Friday, 11 November 2011

Nails Inc Nail Polish with Glamour Magazine Review

Hi again Guys!

So, I recently did a post about Glamour Magazine and the free Nails Inc Nail Varnishes they're giving away with their magazines, and I thought I'd do an update and review of the nail polishes now I've had some time to try them out properly.
I actually now have all of the four nail varnish colours now, as my mum bought me another, and then I decided to pick up the other two, because I really just can't resist a good bargain, especially when there is nail varnish involved!
The four colours are:
 Tate, Victoria, Piccadilly Circus and Basil Street.

I managed to persuade my sister to let me paint her some of her nails with the colours to see what they were like, and took a photo:
In same order as above from top to bottom.

I do think that all the colours are really gorgeous, however I am a bit puzzled about why they chose Basil Street as one of the four, simply because the other three colours go so well together, but Basil Street is sort of the odd one out, not that I'm complaining because I do really like the colour, but it just doesn't really seem to fit.
Anyways, I did that on Sunday, and had a look at her nails today and I have to say I was amazed! Most of them have chipped a little bit, but only a little bit, and for 5/6 days, that's amazing!

I also painted my nails with Basil Street on Monday night and have to say I'm stunned at how well it has lasted on mine too! I usually really, really struggle to make my nail polish last, and normally end up with chips after the first day of wearing it, so when my nails still hadn't chipped by yesterday I was like O.M.G, this is amazing! They have chipped a little bit today, but I could still definitely get away with wearing them for a couple more days, and after 4/5 days of wearing them I really would have expected them to basically have been coming off my nails by now so I am very impressed!

Overall, I am very impressed by these nail polishes, they are gorgeous colours and have proven themselves to be excellent quality. Plus, they were an absolute bargain! Would I buy them for the full price of £11, probably not, simply because I don't have that kind of money to spend on Nail Polish, however, if I was to see them in a sale somewhere, or on another great deal like this, then I would be straight in there! I'm definitely recommending them!

Hope you like the review, and again, I hope the pictures are alright :L
I'll have another post up soon :)

x x x

1 comment:

  1. I bought four copies to get the free nail colours too and I have to say, I love Basil Street - it's a great shade for everyday however I shall be sporting Victoria on Saturday night to go with mt vampiress vixen fancy dress costume - great quality polishes and all four for less than the RRP for one - gotta be done!
